Aaron’s Street Safety and Public Transit Platform

Aaron’s record on transportation speaks for itself. He’s secured billions in funding for public transit, connected Caltrain to the Transbay Terminal, and made dozens of dangerous intersections downtown and in his district safer for pedestrians. As mayor, he’ll fund and reform MUNI to connect our neighborhoods, create good-paying, union jobs by staffing up our transit system, and work to make pedestrian deaths a thing of the past.

Ending Pedestrian Deaths

Aaron worked hard to improve street conditions and walkability in District Three, reforming dozens of dangerous intersections and increasing pedestrian safety, especially around schools. As mayor he will build on these successes, and work with communities to make our city’s most dangerous intersections safer.

  • Making Intersections Safer. As Supervisor, Aaron implemented the District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements project, building pedestrian-friendly intersections and walkways across the district. As Mayor, he will work with communities to build on these successes and reform San Francisco’s most dangerous intersections.

  • Make Downtown walkable. Downtown can never be a real neighborhood if it’s not walkable. Aaron increased safety and line-of-sight at 50 downtown intersections, and while other candidates talk about opening Market St to cars, Aaron knows that pedestrian safety - not political theater - builds thriving neighborhoods.

  • Make transit safe. People won’t take transit if they feel unsafe. Aaron demanded accountability from transportation agencies, working with BART and MUNI to crack down on drug dealing and other criminal activities, and as mayor he will continue to make sure everyone riding public transit feels safe doing so.

  • Emergency response > autonomous vehicles. While other candidates fight for blanket deregulation, Aaron believes San Francisco is not just a test tube for tech companies. Aaron will fight for guarantees that fire trucks, ambulances and police cars can communicate with driverless vehicles, and make sure that these new technologies are regulated and properly report data on crashes and pedestrian safety.

Staff up and fully fund MUNI

Aaron has been one of our city’s strongest advocates for public transportation, securing billions of dollars for MUNI and other transit services. If elected, he will fully fund MUNI and make sure our transit system is fully staffed with good paying, union jobs.

  • Fully fund MUNI. Aaron has been a transit champion his whole career, fighting to pass measures like Prop A in 2007 and Prop L in 2022 that secured billions for public transportation. He’s committed to making sure MUNI has the money it needs to make San Francisco a transit-first city.

  • Staff up transit. Aaron was the strongest voice in government against pandemic-era layoffs of bus drivers and transit operators, and has advocated his whole career for better funding and working conditions for the people who keep SF moving. As mayor he’s pledged to staff up our transit system, creating good jobs and increasing system reliability.

Make transit equitable and accountable

Aaron is committed to holding SFMTA accountable to our communities. As Supervisor, he secured millions of dollars for small businesses impacted by the Central Subway construction, and increased service for critical lines like the 8 and 8x that serve middle and working class neighborhoods. As mayor, he’ll bring strong management and accountability to SFMTA to make sure transit works for, not against our communities.

  • Reduce timelines, increase accountability. Construction projects like Central Subway and Taraval Street can have negative impacts on our communities- as supervisor, Aaron secured millions for businesses impacted by transit construction, and as mayor will both continue to mitigate impacts and ensure SFMTA is delivering projects on time and with minimal disruption to our neighborhoods.

  • Better management, better service. To make our transit system work, we need someone in City Hall who will wake up every day dedicated to its improvement. As chair of the County Transportation Authority, Aaron has the local and regional management experience we need to make the most of our transit resources.

  • Making neighborhood transportation equitable. Transit connects our neighborhoods, and provides crucial links to economic opportunity. Aaron fought for increased service for routes like the 8 and 8x that serve primarily middle and working-class neighborhoods, and will expand service and reliability in neighborhoods like Bayview and Visitation Valley where residents have called for more accessible public transportation.

Building Bike Lanes and Encouraging Alternative Transportation

Aaron has long advocated for smart, effective transit, but sitting Mayors have refused to implement these plans. When we have a mayor who knows how to keep pedestrians and bikers safe, and the Muni funded, San Francisco’s equitable transit future can truly begin.

  • Keeping bike lanes safe and clear. Aaron pledges to crack down on vehicles blocking critical transit infrastructure to keep cyclists and MUNI rides safe. Moving ticketing priorities from neighborhoods to congested transit corridors will help with safety and congestion in our streets.

  • Building bike and pedestrian safe infrastructure. Aaron has advanced quick-build projects on the Embarcadero, Sansome, Battery and was an early champion of bike lanes in San Francisco. He has championed these policies in his capacity as chair of the SFCTA, and will continue to work with communities to implement sensible projects for pedestrians and cyclists.

  • Connecting bikes with public transit. Aaron will facilitate connections for cyclists who also use other forms of public transportation. This includes building secure bike parking at more BART stations, lighting bike corrals by stations, and improving bike lane connections to Muni downtown.