When it comes to accomplishments,
it's hard to beat Aaron.
Working together with the community, he has passed more legislation than any other Supervisor on the Board of Supervisors. Here are just a few of Aaron’s major accomplishments over the years:
Put police foot patrols and community ambassadors in our neighborhoods to increase public safety.
Brought homeless shelters and permanent affordable housing to his district to reduce tent encampments and street homelessness.
Legalized construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) across the city, enabling thousands of new homes and rent-controlled affordable housing.
Stopped evictions of senior and disabled renters; capped excessive rent hikes; led a major battle to legalize in-law units to increase affordable housing; fought to increase relocation payments to those evicted by the Ellis Act.
Saved the century-old Flower Mart from destruction, protecting small businesses, jobs and the special character of San Francisco.
Cracked down on corrupt government officials, toughened regulations on revolving-door lobbyists, banned corporate campaign contributions and increased transparency to reveal the shadowy interests funding negative ads in political campaigns.
Stopped the Wall on the Waterfront and prohibited filling in San Francisco Bay without a vote of the people.
Authored, championed and passed the 2007 library initiative that ensured librarians at every branch, computer access for every family, and finished the renovation of libraries in nearly every San Francisco neighborhood.
Secured over $200 million to improve Muni, won improvements to keep pedestrians safer, and put teeth into efforts to clean streets and remove graffiti.
Protected patients’ rights to enter a woman’s health clinic without right-wing harassment.
Saved the city millions of dollars as a tough fiscal watchdog and Chair of the Board of Supervisor’s Budget and Finance Committee.
Reduced abandoned storefronts in neighborhoods by passing a commercial vacancy tax.
Won tenants the right to organize in the face of large corporate landlords.