Contact: Sunny Angulo,
Labor Unions Urge Rank Choice Strategy in Support of Aaron Peskin for Mayor
"The best way to support working San Franciscans is to vote Aaron Peskin #1 choice for Mayor. But if you are considering someone else # 1, it is essential to vote Aaron # 2. Make your vote count!”
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (October 25th 2024) --
Our labor unions collectively represent hundreds of thousands of workers fueling the San Francisco Bay Area's day-to-day health and safety operations, schools and ongoing economic recovery.
With organized Labor under attack across the country, we need strong and experienced leaders who aren't afraid to stand up for the power of worker organizing -- and who won't side with billionaire-funded SuperPAC's like TogetherSF Action.
That’s why we are urging our members and working San Franciscans to employ a rank choice strategy when voting for Mayor. This is a close election, and recent polling shows that Peskin is surging into first place. But to win, he will need both first and second place votes.
We have all endorsed Aaron Peskin as the # 1 choice for Mayor because of his unmatched record of standing up for workers and getting things done:
Has stood by our side at picket lines demanding fair wages, benefits and working conditions
Worked with labor to increase San Francisco’s minimum wage, one of the first cities in the country to set our own living wage
Fought with labor to ensure that large corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes
Always made health care, child care, jobs, community safety and schools a top budget priority
Despite this record, we understand that some San Franciscans are considering other candidates for their first choice. It is imperative for those voters to make Aaron Peskin your #2 choice!
Join us in supporting Aaron Peskin for Mayor -- a leader who will get things done for San Francisco and put workers first.
In Solidarity,
California Nurses Association (CNA)
National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW)
Unite HERE Local 2
SEIU 1021
United Educators of San Francisco (UESF)
Inland Boatman's Union of the Pacific (ILWU-IBU)
Conny Ford, retired CLOUT/SF Labor Council labor leader