Aaron’s Housing Agenda 

In the campaign for Mayor, Aaron has created and enabled more housing than any other candidate, created affordable housing, and is the strongest tenant advocate. He is the Mayor who will deliver the housing our city truly needs.

Middle-Income Affordable Housing Plan

Aaron’s concrete plan, passed unanimously at the Board of Supervisors this year, is ready to build affordable housing for at least 15,000 working San Franciscans such as educators, health care workers and first responders – at no cost to taxpayers.

Builds housing for the “missing middle”

Aaron’s plan is aimed at the many San Francisco families who earn too much to qualify for low-income housing, but not enough to afford family housing.

Breaks the financing logjam

One of the chief reasons housing is not being built is the lack of financing available to developers. 74,000 units are currently approved and ready to build but lack funding. Aaron’s innovative revenue bond financing can be issued by the Board of Supervisors and provides the money so we can build the homes – paid for by future rents, not property taxes. 

Streamlines city requirements to qualify

Right now, the city’s income certification system is too cumbersome and takes too long to qualify. Aaron’s plan simplifies the process and get people into housing faster.

Lower rents, capped rent increases

The housing built by Aaron’s plan is required to be at least 15% below market rate – and annual rent hikes will be capped to be no greater than 4% per year.

Incentivizes city to build on its surplus property

The city has long had a policy to prioritize surplus property for affordable housing development (Prop K) but no mayoral administration has ever executed a plan. Aaron’s program has already identified multiple city sites that can be redeveloped to house bus drivers, janitors, teachers, and first responders that deserve to live in the city they serve.

Rent subsidies for low-income seniors 

Thousands of San Francisco seniors living on fixed incomes and adults with disabilities are rent-burdened. More tragically, they cannot afford the rent even in low-income, affordable housing. Many remain stuck in SROs with no place to go. Aaron is placing a measure on the November ballot to address this crisis.

Rental subsidies for extremely low-income households

Aaron’s legislation will create an $8.25 million annual fund to provide subsidies for affordable housing.

Helping seniors and adults with disabilities

The Dept of Disability and Aging Services cited 33,900 senior households and 8,900 disabled adult households who are currently extremely low-income.

Preventing greater homelessness

Without subsidies, many of these households will either be stuck in SROs or end up on the street, creating additional homelessness.

Helping families and children unlock access to safe and affordable housing

Many working families eligible for Section 8 vouchers or with Certificates of Participation have languished on long wait lists for the limited amount of ELI units available to families doubled-up in SRO’s, garages or studios. This is especially a struggle for single-parent households. 

State has mandated city build 14,000 units of Extremely Low Income housing by 2031 - without allocating any funding to support

SF is not waiting for the State to intervene, but moving forward with building the housing we know we need to meet growing demand.

Expanding Rent Control 

The Justice for Renters Act on the November ballot gives California the opportunity to provide protection against unfair evictions and unlimited rent hikes, which is currently not available to 40% of San Francisco renters. Aaron is the only candidate for Mayor who supports the measure and has committed to expanding rent control to the currently 100,000-non-rent-controlled apartments in San Francisco. 

Downtown Housing Conversions

Most politicians have erroneously jumped on the misinformed political talking point that San Francisco’s skyscrapers can be converted easily into housing. After decades of working with the development community and in real estate, Aaron knows the actual reality: conversions only work and pencil in certain buildings. And he has authored and passed a plan to do that.

Protecting our Neighborhoods

Aaron has authored citywide legislation to create rent-controlled ADU’s, which effectively eliminated single-family zoning. He knows that the City needs to grow, but he is the only candidate who has pledged to do it the right way - with neighborhoods, and not against them. He has pledged:

  • To stand up for our neighborhoods against the massive upzoning plan that threatens to destroy them.

  • To protect neighborhood small businesses at risk of displacement by skyrocketing rents caused by the plan.

  • To give a stronger voice in city hall to our diverse neighborhoods and communities